WASH and tenure security in Cambodia: An investigation into links between urban sanitation, infrastructure and intermediate titling

Author : Hallam Goad, Meas Kim Seng
Category : Conference Papers and Dissertations
Format : PDF
Geographic Focus : Cambodia
Published : 2015 Download

The paper looks at how urban sanitation, infrastructure and mapping was used as a vehicle for Intermediate Land Titling (ILT) and increasing tenure security. The pilot project was implemented during a period in which land tenure and eviction had become, and continues to be, a major issue in Cambodia. Especially vulnerable have been informal urban poor settlements which have largely been excluded from Government and donor titling programmes such as the World Bank's Land Management and Administration Project (LMAP). This study examines how instead of looking at titling or upgrading in isolation, it is the combination of the two aspects, together with endorsement from local authorities, that helps reinforce the other and create a more successful outcome – and possibly a template for future tenure projects in informal settlements.