Land Allocation for Social and Economic Development – III (LASED III) will continue the support for the Royal Government of Cambodia’s (RGC) Commune Social Land Concession (SLC) program provided by LASED and LASED II and will also support RGC’s Indigenous Community Land Titling (ICLT) program, in both cases through land titling and associated infrastructure and livelihoods activities. This Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) describes the procedures and institutional requirements that the LASED III project will follow during implementation to ensure alignment with the World Bank’s Environmental and Social Standards (ESS) as well as with Cambodian legal requirements for environmental and social (E&S) risk management, which includes, inter alia, the Land Law (2001) and subsidiary legislation including the frameworks for SLC and ICLT, the Labor Law (1997); the Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Law (1996); The Forest Law (2002), the Protected Areas Law (2008) and the Law on Protection of National Cultural Heritage (1996). It has been determined that all of World Bank’s ESS1 – ESS10 are applicable to LASED III with the exception of ESS9 (Financial Intermediaries).