Guidelines for the consultations which were also agreed to between the RGC and the Bank included posting of materials on the websites of the Ministry of Land Management Urban Planning and Construction, (MLMUPC) the Executive Agency (EA), and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries MAFF (MAFF), the Implementing Agency (IA). The objectives of the public consultations were (i) to present the design and other key features of the LASED III project; (ii) to obtain feedback from stakeholders on the project, including on the Environmental and Social Framework (ESF) instruments: the Environment and Social Management Framework (ESMF), the Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF), the Indigenous Peoples Planning Framework (IPPF), the Cultural Heritage Protection Framework (CHPF), the Labor and Working Conditions Plan (LWCP), the Environment and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP), and the Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP); and (iii) to prepare minutes of the consultations as a “reference material” for the revision, as needed, of the ESF instruments.