Using system effects modelling to evaluate food safety impact and barriers in low-income-countries: An example from urban Cambodia

Author : Kristina Roesel, L. Craven, C. Ty, Hung Nguyen-Viet, Delia Grace
Category : Conference Papers and Dissertations
Format : PDF
Geographic Focus : Phnom Penh
Published : Nov.2018 Download

The study tested the applicability to low-and-middle income settings of a System Effects model developed for high-income countries. The objective is to better understand the damage caused by foodborne diseases, and barriers for consumers in accessing safer food. Materials and methods: In January 2018, ten group sessions with 66 participants were held in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Each group discussion consisted of two exercises that was completed by each participant individually. The first exercise mapped impacts to visually depict the complexity of peoples’ experience of unsafe food including damage caused, flows of effects, and interconnections between them. In the second exercise, barriers to avoiding unsafe food were illustrated.