"I Want to be Brave": A Baseline Study on the Vulnerabilities of Street-Working Boys in Sihanoukville, Cambodia

Author : Jarrett Davis, Glenn Miles
Category : Conference Papers and Dissertations
Format : PDF
Geographic Focus : Sihanoukville
Published : 2014 Download

The study conducted 56 in-depth interviews with street-working / street-living boys presently working along the streets and/or beaches in the Sihanoukville area, focusing on a number of key areas including: demographics, social and family relationships, financial security, sexual history, instances of violence and sexual abuse, health, emotional wellbeing, and future plans. This study aims to provide a baseline of information and broad analysis of the key needs, vulnerabilities, and potential resiliencies of street-working boys in the Sihanoukville area in order for NGOs and social service providers to better understand them and provide them with adequate services.