Disparities in rural-vs-urban achievement of millennium development goals in Cambodia: implications for current and future child health

Author : Karen McClure, Jeany K. Jun, Casey R. Johnson, Philip R. Fischer, Lydia Lu, Sophakna Vy, Dale Knutson
Category : Academic Papers
Format : Website
Geographic Focus : Kampot, Kampong Speu
Published : Aug.2018 Access

Cambodia has made significant economic, political, and health advancements with the implementation of the millennium development goals (MDG). This investigation hypothesised that child-health improvements in rural areas of Cambodia continue to lag behind urban areas. The study objective was to identify specific disparities in rural achievement of MDG within Cambodia to direct future work in child health. Surveys were conducted in 230 rural households in four villages in Kampot and Kampong Speu provinces to assess risk factors contributing to lack of village-level achievement of MDG. National urban and rural data were used for comparison.