Phnom Penh centre / Center Phnom Penh [French]

Author : Phnom Penh Municipality, Atelier Parisien d'urbanisme
Category : Reports
Format : PDF
Geographic Focus : Phnom Penh
Published : Nov.2006 Access

Projects have begun in Phnom Penh in collaboration with the city of Paris in the fields of urban management and, more specifically, the designing of planning and development tools, the operation of public services providing drinking water and sanitation, the developing of public areas around the central market in conjunction with its rehabilitation by the French development agency AFD (work began in 2007) and finally, traffic and travel management. These two latter studies were implemented in December 2006 when work began on the traffic management plan for the periphery of the central market. The involvement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and coordination with the AFD has enabled this cooperation programme between municipal technical teams to be put into action with the help of the Paris Agency for Urbanism, the Apur. This publication describes the results of the mixed Franco-Cambodian team’s past two years of work.