The Evacuation of Phnom Penh during the Cambodian Genocide: Applying Spatial Video Geonarratives to the Study of Genocide

Author : James A. Tyner, Andrew Curtis, Sokvisal Kimsroy, Chhunly Chhay
Category : Academic Papers
Format : PDF
Geographic Focus : Phnom Penh
Published : Dec.2018 Download

On April 17, 1975 Khmer Rouge soldiers began the forcible evacuation of Phnom Penh, Cambodia’s capital city. The evacuation has been the subject of considerable debate surrounding the Cambodian genocide and remains a topic of prime importance toward the understanding of Khmer Rouge policy and practice. In this field note, we present a geographically-informed account of the evacuation in order to provide a more fine-grained analysis of Khmer Rouge practice. More specifically, employing spatial video geonarratives, we provide a systematic investigation of the evacuation, as retraced by six evacuees. In so doing we contribute also to the emergent use of geospatial technologies to the study of genocide.